Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday Lent Five

“I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the poor *
and render justice to the needy.”
Psalm 140, Thursday Lent Five, Evening Prayer, the Daily Office Book, Year One

Do I dare claim Christ as my healing, resurrection, and as my ruler, my Lord? If I do then I am accepted into his body, his person, his heart and spirit. Then as he is in me, and I in him, in this relationship then I too am compelled by God’s compassion, infused into me, to honor God’s compassionate call, in his spirit, and in the truth of my life, to maintain in this relationship, the cause of the poor and to render justice to the needy. It’s not enough, for me, to simply accept God’s graces, as God’s grace does not come in a vacuum, nor do I live in a vacuum smugly sure of my place in the order of things, but as Christ serves me, serves us, we too must serve the concerns of the needy. The more we love each other, and all others in need, the closer we come to God, the more we mature in Christ, and the more Christ comes to fully reside in us.

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